Formation Hour

Each Sunday after our 9am Eucharist we gather from about 10:15 - 11am to go deeper in our faith, wrestle with doubts and questions, and grow together through exploring central aspects of the Christian life. You can listen to the Sunday formation hour below or download and take with you on the go.

Lent 2022


Advent 2021


An Outline of the Faith (The Catechism) from the Book of Common Prayer


Other Topics


Learning to Pray

Our “Learning to Pray” series explores different forms of prayer, helping us engage with God, ourselves, and one another in various ways. Watch the videos , try these forms of prayer yourself, and open up to the ways you can experience God’s presence and love through them. We meet on Wednesday evenings via Google Meets to discuss these practices of prayer. For information about the online gatherings and how to join us email Fr. Jarred.


You can see past sermons, along with our entire services, on our YouTube page HERE.

Advent Devotions

Fr Jarred wrote daily Advent devotions for Advent 2020, reflecting on biblical narratives leading up to Christ’s birth in conversation with art and poetry. Click the image below to download the booklet.


Links for Spiritual Formation:

These are helpful resources for learning and spiritual growth.

Daily Prayer and Devotions

You can use this document for brief daily prayers at home.

For daily prayer: Bede’s Breviary. This resource offers different versions of prayer books for Morning and Evening prayer, noon prayer, and compline (night prayer) – select the time and version you want to pray. A more attractive and user friendly website for daily prayer is this one put out by the Church of England: Daily Prayer. Universalis is a wonderful resource for prayer throughout the day, including short orders of prayer for morning, mid-morning, noon, mid-afternoon, evening, and night, as well as the readings for the daily Eucharist. Some of these websites are available as apps as well.

Forward Day by Day” is a daily devotion published by Forward Movement Press.

Articles and Books

The St Mary Magdalen School of Theology – a group of theologians in England (whom Fr. Jarred continues to work with) developing resources for those seeking to grow in or learn more about the Christian faith. There are articles available for free on various topics. They also publish books, of which Fr. Jarred is an author and editor. One of them, Love Makes No Sense, takes a look at essential Christian beliefs.

Building Faith is a ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary that seeks to foster spiritual formation for individuals and churches. They have resources for children and families as well as for adult formation and education.


The Way of Love is Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s podcast (the Presiding Bishop is the leading bishop in The Episcopal Church)

On Being is a beautiful and rich podcast with interviews with people from all sorts of religious and spiritual backgrounds – artists, priests and pastors, rabbis, actors, activists, poets, and the list goes on and on. The podcast relates to spirituality broadly understood, not particularly Christian spirituality, and seeks to dive into life’s big questions. Some excellent episodes include poets Christian Wiman, Pádraig Ó Tuama, and Mary Karr, and geophysicist Xavier le Pichon, but conversations stretch back for years with everyone from the late John Lewis to Yo-Yo Ma to actor Martin Sheen. Pádraig Ó Tuama’s brilliant poetry podcast Poetry Unbound is also put out by On Being Studios.

Mental Health Resources

If you are living with mental illness, anxious or depressed, finding it difficult to cope with loneliness and isolation, we want to help you get the support you need. Contact our priest, Fr. Jarred, anytime, and make use of the following resources. You are not alone, being unwell is not a source of shame, and there are people who love you who want to help.

National Institute of Mental Health

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Find numerous resources at Mental Health First Aid